If you are reading this post you must have seen the topic already. For benefit of those just starting out on their hair journey i would explain in my own words what i mean by 'ends'.
Ends are the last lengths of your hair. Its the very tips and the oldest parts of your hair being that it was protruded upwards from the follicles before the other lengths of your hair (a pic of my ends is at the bottom of this post).
So, i wore my twist out for 3days and detangled it on the evening of the last day. Finger detangling was easy because the twists stretched my hair (No i didn't detangle without an aid....i used my lovely lemon grass infused oil) at 6wks post relaxer i have only followed up my finger detangling with a comb once when i blow dried my hair. So there i was taking pictures of my hair and i decided to take a pic of my ends too....guess what i found out? My ends were healthy! I have been taking good care of them because their health play a big role in my length retention. I wouldn't want to leave room for a setback or my ends becoming too thin.