Showing posts with label protective styling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protective styling. Show all posts

Friday, 25 August 2017

Hi loves! Thanks a lot to the lovely ladies that compliment my work, gave me a follow and a few who ordered. From now though I will focus more on wigs as this is where most of the attention of my buyers is focused on.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Washday Experience: A new twist to same Ole Bob

This week's protective style

Hey dearies! I'm back with another Washday post. This one was quite smooth sailing. Before I begin, I had alot of feedback regarding my previous protective style  before my hairniversary. For those of you who really want to try the style but you don't know how long it would last, mine lasted for 5 days. I took it down for my hairniversary Washday because I wanted to blow dry my hair.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

The Sunflower love Bun, Tutorial 2: Making the love at the top.

Hey dearies, so this is the continuation of my previous post. If you haven't seen it yet it's a must see so you'll know where we started from and not wonder how to create the back. A direct link to that post is right HERE

To make the love at the top

Step 7: moisturize and detangle the front section and part it into 3

Detangle and section

Step 8: do a flat twist on the middle section and put a pin on the tips so it doesn't unravel.

Flat twist the middle and secure tips with pin

The 'Sunflower love' Bun Tutorial 1: Making the flower Petals.

The Sunflower Love Bun

Hello loves! Happy New month to you all!  I thought a better way to welcome you into this new month of blessings is with a hair tutorial. I made this style with my sisters natural hair, no extensions. I know that I'll probably get sued if I just show you the protective style without telling you how I made it.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Some ways i have styled my hair from 14-17 weeks post relaxer

Hey sweethearts! :-) I have good news for you! I have ended my stretch and I relaxed at almost  18weeks post (17weeks and 5 days) that post will be up next.

While still on my stretch I wore some styles that made my life easier. I also had a relaxer preparation washday and I blow dried my hair. The washday was my thoughest. Detangling was such a hassle and I lost sooooo much hair. For fear that I would face a setback it had to be my last. This was at 16 weeks post.

Here are the few protectivestyles that I rocked between my last washday post and now.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

I'm back + what went down on valentines day!

Hey cuties! how do you do? :-) I have been a bad bad blogger! i never intended to take this long but trust me the break was needed. Academics is demanding more of my time.

While away so maany things happened and i just couldnt wait any longer to tell you the stories. Some good...some plain bad but i learnt from it though. Let me start by showing you my valentines day hair :-)

This is the first time my flexi rod set is coming out pretty and very curly.
I used 30 rods and 9 curl formers.

 I purchased a curlformer kit that had 18 curl formers with the hook...did i know it was gonna be a waste of my money...i only used 9 of the 18 as they were too short for my hair. I went back to where i bought it to know if he had a longer one (cause i initially wanted 2 packs) but you know how rude some Nigerian traders can be...he told me plain that curlformers dont come in longer
I made this set on freshly washed and deep conditioned hair. The steps were thesame...
prepoo (did a hardcore protein treatment with two eggs because its been so long since i did even a mild protein treatment)
shampooed with VO5 moisture milks
Deep conditioned with Organics cholesterol DC + VO5 conditioner + a table spion of glycerine...this mix was awesome!
Rinsed out and t-shirt dried for 30 mins then applied ORS moisturiser and then i detangled with a wide tooth comb.
I made small partings with my fingers and sprayed my holding spray on each section before i rolled on the rods.
Using the curlformers wasnt stressing at all because i had watched many youtube videos on how to use them.
I had my washday at night so i slept on the set *cringe* it wasnt easy.

The next morning i took out the rods and i was very happy with my hair. As much as it looks great being let down i wore it up till the curls fell and then wore it as a bob. That was on day 4.

pic below is my hair after applying the egg as protein treatment/ hair felt really harrrrd.

Other washdays went well.... i had some challenged with my new growth trying to drive me nuts but its all under control now. will be back with a post on my My relaxer stretch...the protective styles that has worked for me and my strategy to remain on this stretch till 4 or 5 months. I hope you do check back from time to time...pretty please? *cracks an Ariana Grande smile*

After egg has been applied as protein treatment/prepoo

                                                                   *stay blessed...muah*

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Wash day: Back to wigging!

Hey cuties :-) been a while... hope everyone is doing great!? 
       Sorry for my inconsistency with posting its really been hard for even friends and family to reach me because of the area i live at the moment. The problem is electricity!!! I will soon move to a better apartment though and my dear school stress is also there ooo lol Thank you to all who keep reading my blog and sharing my blog url...I really do appreciate Sooo to you my lovely readers...Welcome to the last month of the year... may God Bless you, increase your joy and keep you safely throughout this festive season!....AMEN!!

       I had a busy school week as usual and i sometimes didn't get to moisturise and seal but what helped my hair is the glycerine i added to my moisturiser.
        I'm so happy that i'm this far into my stretch.... i have gone 10weeks without my wigs which is a huge progress for me because in previous months i would start wigging at 5-6 weeks. But i still have intentions to relax my hair this December either at 13 or 14 weeks post. This washday was on Friday 28 and it happened in the evening so my hair air dried all through the night. so.... here's my washday procedure:
Wash day procedure
*hot oil treatment with palm kernel oil
*finger detangled
*shampooed off (lathered twice cause its been two weeks since last washday i had to make sure my hair was nice and clean.
*deep conditioned with Organics by Africa's best cholesterol tea tree oil deep conditioner (i had a problem with the almost knocked me off ...seriously made me light headed) will do a good review on it on another post.
*rinsed off 30 mins later.... wrapped head with t-shirr for a long time while i flipped through some pages :-)
*by the time i took off the t-shirt my hair was nice and soft...

I moisturised with my kids organics olive oil plus Shea butter moisturizer and sealed with raw Shea butter and finger detangled again, then followed up with a wide tooth comb. Next i put my hair into 12 big plaits and left it to air dry. The next morning i wore my wig and i was sooo happy that my hair would be hidden away from the harmattan sun and least it would conserve a bit more moisture under the wig.

Its the dry season and this is the time where our hair can get so dry... even our skin is not left out... keep stalking my blog cause i will be sharing some easy tips to get your hair through this season...
              How was your recent washday? tried any new products?? share!! :-)

                    *much love*

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Protective styling.... what you need to know.

Hey dearies!!  I'm back with an interesting topic... Protective styling!
   Protective hairstyles are hairstyles that help reduce daily or weekly manipulation of our hair. It plays a big role in length retention as there will be less breakage due to restyling. If you are on a healthy hair journey its very much advisable that you use protective styles. However One should be cautious when choosing the protective style... This is because some protective hairstyles may damage the hair if not properly or correctly done.

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