Hey dearies! So I got a few suggestions and tips based on my last flexi rod attempt which was a fail. One thing I'd like to point out is that I actually was planning to achieve a different curl pattern from my previous flexi rod sets which you can find Here. You will also find a pic of my flexi rod set which I didn't get to post Right here. If you follow my blog you'll know that I get good results wrapping my hair vertically on the rods. My curiosity lead me to a fail :-)
A friend directed me to a this video where I got the most important tip. To start on dry hair! It never hit me, believe it or not I always start what ever set I do (flexi rods, bantu knot, rollerset) on damp or wet hair. It made so much sense to start on dry hair, especially when it takes my hair forever to dry. Do check out the video as you may pic out other tips from it as well as learn how to style your hair if you have shorter hair.
For this Washday I started off by doing a hot oil treatment. I left the oil on my hair (covered with a processing cap) for 30mins then I took it down and applied the amla mud from my home made Amla oil. The experience...
My hair felt strengthened. Like I feared it was getting stiff but it wasn't. It just felt a bit strong if I put it that way. For a minute I thought this isn't right girl, stop! But I pulled myself together and applied all over my hair in four sections and braided each carefully. Put on my processing cap and let It sit for another 30mins.