Sunday, 17 July 2016

Wash day: my new heat cap & loose waves style

The Eco styled gel and hair clamps are for a friend. All products pictured (processing caps and deep conditioning cap) we're purchased from Natural hair Products shop ng.

Hey ladies! I finally got to purchase a deep conditioning cap. Yes I haven't had one since the beginning of my hhj. I however have improvised using other means like; 

*Deep conditioning using body heat where I'll put on a shower cap or two shower caps and sometimes an extra head warmer just to create and trap the heat. I do  this for not less than an hour.

*Using my blow dryer. i just Put on a small plastic bag or a shower cap ...then a bigger plastic bag where I create a hole and insert the nozzle of my blow dryer. 

Thats it....the two ways I've been deep conditioning my hair. Now that I've got this steaming cap my wash days will be cut in half because all I need is 30 mins of Deep conditioning and I proceed to the next step. 

For this washday I,

Monday, 27 June 2016

How I style my hair: Bantu knots in....Soft curls out!

Left pic is loose waves later in the day...Right pic is soft curls just after take down

Everything about my recent relaxer touch up got me on cloud nine! Lol. The length of my hair is silky straight and smooth. The ends...oh well they just don't get as straight as the length and tend to revert quickly (I need not tell you that I did a thousand passes on the ends with my flat iron right?)

Relaxer Update after 11weeks stretch

Ponytail (after flat ironing)

My third Relaxer touch up for the year was days back at 11weeks post relaxer. I intended stretching till 12weeks but my hair refused to comply and the only thing I did to it was moisturise and seal...single braid and tuck. I wasn't feeling well and the thought of having another washday and loosing my ends due to matting while  detangling made me sicker than I was.

For this relaxer day, I still used Creme of Nature Argan oil No lye relaxer. I followed the same procedures in my previous relaxer days.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

The washday Experience: Amla Gloss Treatment

Finito! Soft blow dried hair. 

Hi dearies! I had my washday yesterday and couldn't wait to share. This would be my last washday for this relaxer stretch so I decided to do a kind of Amla gloss strengthening treatment. This treatment is of Ayurvedic origin and I used it as I would use a protein treatment. Though I haven't  done this treatment in months I see every reason to get more of the powder and do this once a month. What it does to my hair is that it strengthens the hair as well as makes it soft and hence the hair is more resistant to breakage and can hold moisture better.

How I prepared the Amla gloss
Using the spoon in the pic as my measuring guide I added a spoonful of warm water to the Amla mud I had behind from making Amla oil months ago. Next I added 2 spoonfuls of VO5 blackberry and sage tea revitalising conditioner. I also added a spoonful of coconut oil. I planned on leaving  this mix for an hour before using it but I suddenly felt lazy to wash my hair and I left it for 3days *oops* lol

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Hair talk series: Too much texture??

I'm sold to the Volume that texlaxed hair gives! 

I honestly think this texlaxed texture is so close to being natural. Which is my aim after all but where/when would the length come in?  Being texlaxed has its ups and downs especially choosing the texlaxed level you are fine with. Prior to being on a hair journey my hair never got straight relaxed after touch up so now I get it that I've always been a texlaxed head but I wanted more volume so I kept increasing the kinkyness left after touch up.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Natural Hair update: Chasing Bra Strap Length

Hey naturalistas! I was browsing through my old posts and found out that it's been a very long time since I gave an update on my sister's natural hair. The last time I posted an official length check pic here was in September 2015 so a recent length check  is overdue. Incase you were wondering if she went the relaxed route, no she's still strong in her natural hair game.

For length checks my sister doesn't really use a length check shirt.  We just pull the hair down to where ever it stops on her body and that's where she's at.  She is quite tall (a lot taller than me now) so reaching specific marks on her body will take quite some time.
Here's a comparison.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Product review: The Mane Choice Trio

Hey dearies! Hope all is well at your end!  I won The Mane Choice Trio which comprises of the easy on the curls detangling Shampoo and conditioner and the soft as can be 3 in 1 leave in from The Mane Choice Africa in an Instagram give away 3weeks ago and this post is more like a feedback and review of how these products worked on my mane.

The owner of the brand has an amazingly lush natural hair which she attributes to using products from her brand as well as her Manetabolism hair growth multivitamins. I follow both the owner (@courtneyadeleye) and the brand (@themanechoice and @themanechoiceafrica). The Mane Choice is quite a popular brand with so many reviews and testimonials of their products all over Instagram from their hair growth multivitamins to their crystal Orchid biotin infused styling gel... All great reviews. I have had my eyes on the Trio for sometime and when I saw the giveaway I was like... Finally, here's your chance! Lol

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