Showing posts with label Fruit Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fruit Friday. Show all posts

Friday, 27 March 2015

Fruit friday: Benefits of banana & my banana fruit mix

Bananas are exeptionally healthy as they
provide numerous health benefits. It is a
versatile fruit that contains many nutrients
including vitamins A, B, C and E along with
minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and
manganese. Just as eating a banana helps in
keeping your body in good health and great
shape, application of this fruit on your hair
and skin will help you to keep them in great

Nutritional Value Of Banana:
Natural sugars: glucose, fructose and
Vitamins and minerals: vitamin B6,
vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium,
dietary fibre, biotin, carbohydrates,
magnesium, riboflavin and manganese.

Bananas are very common and always in season... Its one of my favourite fruits and I don't know anyone who doesn't like it but if you don't love to eat it, putting it on your hair or as a face mask is another option.
Mashed bananas can do wonders to your hair by making it extremely soft and shiny.

So when you are picking up fruits for a lovely fruit salad you might want to throw in some banana slices like I did in this pic below... I like to sprinke little salt and toss in the fridge for a chilled fruit mix.

Fruits in the mix:
Papaya (paw paw)

Are you also a fan of bananas? 

Friday, 9 January 2015

Fruit Friday: Pineapple & watermelon fruit mix

Hey cuties! so this is my first fruit friday post. I made this fruit mix today and it consist of pineapple and water melon. We all know that eating good food helps our hair grow from the inside out. This is actually what i have taken for dinner as i just like to take my fruit mix in the evenings...oh and chilled too but i'm back to school and i have no refrigerator here :-( 
why did i choose these fruits? Check this out:

(source: stylecraze)

Hair Benefits Of Watermelon:
Healthy hair depends on a healthy body and
system to a great extent. If your body lacks
certain vital nutrients and minerals, it
adversely affects your hair and scalp, causing
several hair problems like hair loss, thinning,
dandruff, split ends and the like. As far as
watermelon is concerned, its nutritional value
can be beneficial for your hair. Here’s how:

Promotes hair growth:
Watermelon contains abundant amount of a
phytonutrients called citrulline. These help
increase the level of arginine in the body.
Arginine is an amino acid that improves blood
circulation in the scalp, thus promoting hair
growth. Moreover, the Viagra effect of
watermelons keeps the blood pumping to your
scalp. This helps provide with the proteins
and minerals that encourage hair growth.

Health Benefits Of Watermelon:
As a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A,
vitamin B6, vitamin B1, magnesium and
potassium and low in calories, the benefits of
watermelon for health are as follows.

Pineapple is regarded as the king of tropical fruits. It’s full of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C,
manganese, copper, potassium, beta-carotene,
folic acid and dietary fibers
It is also a good source of antioxidants which helps promote blood flow to the scalp.

Another reason why i used watermelon is to help calm the harsh taste of pineapple. Some people dislike this fruit because of the reaction to their tongue. If the watermelon in the fruit mix is more than the pineapple eating the friuts at once would help ease the irritation. But this is one sweet and nutrient packed fruit mix that you should try!



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