Showing posts with label home made. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home made. Show all posts

Friday, 11 September 2015

My Home made Amla oil

In November of 2014 while I was just taking a stroll with a friend I stopped by a cosmetic store that had some hair conditioners and detanglers as well. I bought a detangler and as I turned to leave a small pack with a the picture of a woman with long hair caught my attention. The name on the pack read; Amla oil 100%. I was overjoyed seeing The much talked about Amla oil and so searched for the price tag and it was written N800.  The woman asked me what it was and I told her it's oil used by Indians for hair growth. I told her I didn't have enough money for it  so I'm going to get More money and come back immediately. She agreed.

Friday, 29 May 2015

OKRA: the effective detangler that only cost me 50bucks

Hello Dearie's :-) seeing the title of this there anyone wondering how on earth someone thought about putting okra on the hair? I stumbled on a post where a blogger used okra for hair as a detangler. I remember Jeni of just grow already at some point in her transition used marshmallow root in her DIY detangler and always praises how it makes detangling her new growth a breeze. And just in case you didn't know marshmallow root is gotten from the marshmallow plant, same as slippery elm, burdock root and flaxseeds (i really dont know if these herbs and roots can be found locally in Nigeria...a reason why okra to me is of great advantage) and these were used because of the high amounts of muscilage they produce. Okra produces such muscilage and another great thing about okra is that it doesn't smell bad or too me its neutral.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Guest post: How to make coconut oil easily at Dada Oluwakemi

Hey dearies! hope everyone is doing great?!
       This is my first guest post... Dada Oluwakemi a lovely reader of my blog who recently began her hair journey sent me a text on how she made her own coconut oil. I was so impressed that I decided to share plus her steps are so easy and straight forward. Even though i haven't made it myself yet i sure will do it some day following her steps. Here it is... so take down some notes, save the page anyhow u wish to :-).

What you need:
3-4 coconuts
a knife
chopping board
a bowl
a piece of cloth or mesh or handkerchief for straining.
an empty container of your choice for storing the oil.

Her procedure:
I bought 4 coconut (didn't use all tho. Kept some to eat). I took the coconut out of the shell.. Chopped it into the size of baba blue sweet (lol) blended it(I added enough water so as to blend easily). Then I squeezed the milk out from the chaff. I covered it in a bowl for 24hours (so as to make the water separate from the cream).. After that I opened it and scraped the cream at the top and then threw the water below away. I boiled the scraped cream with medium heat(don't add water. Just keep stirring it and the oil will be coming out ). When the residue is completely brown and the oil  doesn't make any sound then you can put off the stove, gas, fire wood (lol). I Left it to cool, then sieved with handkerchief. Transfered it to a container and....Thats it:-)

Thank you for sharing with us Kemi we would try it out and see how it goes. For those who have a homemade recipes to share or a hair story even a tutorial on how you styled your hair its easy. Send me an email containing what you would like to share to and you will be featured in no time.

Meanwhile the Naija hair can grow 6inches of hair growth challenge has come to an end. I will be joining the challenge next year. For those who don't know about it there are details on her blog. Visit and vote for who you think retained or had much hair growth.

Alright dearies...that's all for now! hope this post helped a cutie wondering how coconut oil can be made easily at home... *Much love*

Monday, 13 October 2014

1 year healthy hair journey and progress picture plus first BEER rinse!

Hello cuties! I'm so happy today...why? because I'm 1yr into my healthy hair journey! well it clocked a year yesterday. Makes it officially a year since i began my healthy hair journey. It was infact my first wash day and just as adventurous as i was when i started i decided to celebrate my hair and try out a beer rinse (mine turned into beer deep I have seen beautiful reviews on it and it just happens that some one was drinking beer in my house (pls it wasn't me ooo). I asked that little be left in the can for me and i just transferred the beer to a small container.
As much as i would love to use just the beer i wouldn't want to smell like beer and so i mixed it up. When i came back it has mixed well and had a uniform consistency.

I started my washday by prepooing with my home made lemongrass oil and shampooed off with my NaturVital henna shampoo. I rinsed it off after 15mins (its a shampoo-dye made with henna for dyeing hair black so i left it on for more colour intensity).
After rinsing i wrapped my hair in a towel for 10mins and then applied my deep conditioning mix/rinse of about 10 spoonful of beer+a spoonful of rinse out conditioner+a quarter spoon of deep conditioner (i used these because i wanted to tame the smell of the beer). Wore my shower cap and left it on for 1hr before rinsing. I rinsed it off first with cool water and rinsed again with cooler water. Then wrapped my head with towel for 20mins.

my hair felt sooooo soft and shiny! i couldn't stop putting my hands in it. My sis and mum also touched it and they were amazed.

You would probably think it was the conditioner and deep conditioner that made it soft....could be but the level of softness was way more than when i mixed the two alone and the shine in my hair! don't know if the picture shows it enough.
For doubting sake i would try it next time with just the rinse out conditioner (i want the effects but not the smell) and give another review on this treatment.

Happy 1yr blog-anniversary to Don't touch the hair blog! Her blog is one of my favourite. Cheers deer!!

Here's my 1st year hair progress picture (Oct 2013-Oct 2014) and my beer deep conditioning picture (picture taken without any added product or oil)
Have a blessed week...lots of love!

Sunday, 12 October 2014

My home made oils carrot and lemongrass oils

Hi cuties, this is a requested post on my home made carrot oil.

I love making home made oils and i make them by oil infusions. I really don't like using plain olive oil for the length of my hair (apart from using it to stop dandruff it doesn't do much for me). So there, i use olive oil for my home made oil infusions.
Here's how i make my home made carrot and lemongrass oils;

All you need:
* a bottle of olive oil
* your preferred number of fresh carrots

how to:
1. wash and grate the carrots and transfer to a clean small container. 2. Pour in the olive oil till it fills the container (i use another empty olive oil can and add the grated carrots then pour in the olive oil till it fills the can).
3. cover and store under room temperature for a week.
4.  sieve off the carrots and you will be left with just the carrot infused oil.
      The oil will have a yellow-orange colour depending on the quantity of carrots used.

Lemongrass oil
*some lemongrass (i bought from the market so i just asked for the one of N50).
*olive oil or any carrier oil of your choice

how to:
*wash and cut the lemon grass into pieces about 3inches long.
*beat the lemongrass for about 10mins to properly release the liquid from the leaves
*put the lemongrass in a clean container and add in the oil. store in a cool dry place for a day (24hrs)
*next day sieve off the lemongrass by pouring it through a mesh sieve and store the plain oil in a better container.

. The lemongrass oil is not infused for up to a week because the lemongrass leaves will make the oil go sour and have a bad smell. Both the carrot and lemongrass oils have a nice scent and they are slightly thicker than the plain olive oil.

Benefits of carrot and lemongrass oils
*Carrot oil is good for sealing the hair especially the ends after moisturising
*It is filled with antioxidants and contains vitamin A and other nutrients that nourish the scalp.
*consistent scalp massage with carrot oil improves blood circulation thereby increasing hair growth.
*Carrot and lemongrass oils both helps to treat scalp conditions such as dandruff, eczema etc.)
*lemongrass oil helps to strengthen the hair strand.
* It stimulates hair growth
*lemongrass oil can penetrate the hair strand repairing and treating damaged parts.

I hope you find this post helpful in making home made carrot and lemongrass oils,  tell me how it turned out when you made yours:-)

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