Hey cuties! wats up ya'l! :-) This is one post i'm super happy to write. I may just be getting good at my relaxer stretching. I'm currently 3months and some days into my relaxer stretch (12wks 5days). I feel so happy about it because i havent crossed the 12weeks mark before. I usually relax few days before or after the 12 weeks mark and most times i relaxed at 10wks. Seriously relaxer stretching wasnt so easy for me. To make it worse i stopped wearing my wigs which were my holy grail for relaxer stretching.
Why did i decide to stretch my relaxer longer than my norm?
Stretching relaxers gives the hair a loong time between chemical application and it also alows you to have more new growth in other to lower your chances of overlapping your relaxer unto your previously relaxed hair.
I also want to surprise myself for my birthday coming up in April (28). I'm hoping to graze brastrap length by then :-) if it doesnt happen no probs..(lol).
The struggles
At about 8-10 weeks post i almost gave up on the stretch and to be honest if i had my relaxer kit at home i would have relaxed it...lol A few lovelies who follow me on instagram (@juditherese) will remember i posted a pic of my hair in a ponytail and was whinning over how i'm getting tired of the stretch and would relax soon. I dont know how i suddenly got the courage and put my hair in a high bunlike topknot (dont know what to call it) pictured above.
I bet you cant see the different textures but boy if you touch it! lol hand in hair syndrome! my 4b kinks are very 'z' curly lol. I have between 1"-1.5" though. The longest newgrowth is at the nape...shortest at the front...it grows the slowest.
I have been detangling with VO5 conditioner more
I also still finger comb first then later use the comb gently after moisturising and sealing.
I dont use the comb on my new growth at all. I stop up..closer to my new growth. I use ny fingers alone on my new growth.
The ORS mixed with glycerine has been wonderful in softening my newgrowth and i mostly rock my hair in that high bun...as a matter of fact my hair is in it now.
I'm more gentle with my hair. scalp massages have reduced to once or twice per week (i dont have a roots applicator bottle and parting my hair almost every night is not favourable). I did that every night when my hair was in twists.
The times i do scalp massages i flip my head over for 4mins as if i were doing the real inversiin method. only difference is i did it just once or twice per week. It encourages hair growth because it increases blood flow to the scalp.
Thats all sweethearts :-) i hope to continue my stretch till my birthday week and hopefully reach my mini goal. Will give you updates on my sisters natural hair when i travel back home. I havent been giving updates because i am not with her.
*stay safe...have the bestest week... *muah*