Showing posts with label Hairniversary and blogiversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hairniversary and blogiversary. Show all posts

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

3 year HHJ hairniversary, Blogiversary and Relaxer update

Complements of the season dearies! How have you been? I have recieved tons of messages from you asking if i wont come back to update the blog or i possibly quit my hhj (ok no one asked that, lol). Its been a long while but I'm back and will be sharing my good news with you all.

This lady has been on a healthy hair journey for 3years! 😁😁 Its also 2years Since is started this blog!

I'm so thankful to you my dearest readers and most especially to those who share my blog link to friends. 60k plus views in 2years may be small to you but its damn big to me and I'm as happy as you never imagined.

3 years of HHJ

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Juditherese Haircare Blog is 1 + 2year hhj hairniversary!!

Hey cuties! I'm beyond happy to announce that This blog is now a year old!

Oh my! How time flies! I remember writing my first post like it was yesterday. Did you know I have written over 70 posts since I started blogging? I looked up my page views and it's over 23,000! You guys are amazing! Thank you for always coming over to see what's going on in my little space on the Web :-)

On another note... It's my 2year healthy hair journey anniversary! *twirls 5 times*. It was actually yesterday but I couldn't get to post this. I had my usual Washday routine and I did a blow-dry using the tension method on warm air. Then I finished By blasting with cool air. The only leave ins I used on my hair prior to blow drying was my Lotta body moisturize me curl and style milk and I sealed with Avocado oil. I had to use those because my heat protectant serum (mega growth hi shine polish serum) slipped from my hand and broke. I plan to replace it soon.

But I have a really soft spot for lottabody now. See how good my hair looks! And it was really soft and moisturised.

Oct. 2015, 2year mark

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