Thursday, 29 December 2016

Harmattan and Hair: How I curb dryness

Hey loves! How are you enjoying the season? I'm having a fun time with my family. You dont know but i have a big family with 5 elder brothers and a younger sister and its only seasons like this that we all get to be in one place! You can imagine the fun :-) (our grand ma is tired of them because they are constantly making her dance lolz)

I'm currently in my home town in Anambra State and the only thing that isn't fun here is the harmattan. Its really angry and as it blows it dries up your wet clothes (it really doesn't like seeing your clothes wet, it gets harmattan really angry lolz) it dries up every thing that has moisture.....which includes my hair *sad face*

Though I've run out of most of my hair products i was prepared for it and i'm here to share what I've been doing to my hair and will continue doing during this season of harmattan.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

3 year HHJ hairniversary, Blogiversary and Relaxer update

Complements of the season dearies! How have you been? I have recieved tons of messages from you asking if i wont come back to update the blog or i possibly quit my hhj (ok no one asked that, lol). Its been a long while but I'm back and will be sharing my good news with you all.

This lady has been on a healthy hair journey for 3years! 😁😁 Its also 2years Since is started this blog!

I'm so thankful to you my dearest readers and most especially to those who share my blog link to friends. 60k plus views in 2years may be small to you but its damn big to me and I'm as happy as you never imagined.

3 years of HHJ

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