Sunday, 12 July 2015

Washday plus Mini bantu knot outs

Hi there :-) hope things are going well at your end? I washed my hair this past week end. Before I tell you about washday.... I didn't update you on my mid week moisturising. I actually did but once because I didn't need more. That was because I used something else to moisturise my newgrowth and length of my hair. I used Organics by Africa's best Cholesterol Tea tree oil conditioner.

Now I know you're probably thinking... Isn't this is a deep conditioner? Why is she moisturising her hair with it? Ok,It states in the container that it's Dual (Rinse out plus leave in conditioner).

I have used it on the length of my hair and to tell you the truth, I love it more for moisturising. So this past week I decided to use it on my new growth and it was just what I needed. It got my new growth really soft! Hence, I will definitely be using it for this purpose.

Onto my washday (Yaaay! Lol)
(1)I divided my hair into 7 sections. I needed to work with smaller sections to make things easier for me.
(2) I detangled my hair with my Okra detangler. (I make it the day I want to use it and I use it on washdays only) then I detangled first using my fingers and then I followed up with a wide tooth comb. Then braided up each section

How hair can get so thin when braided :-)

(3) prepooed overninght with olive oil.

(4) shampooed with VO5 BlackBerry and sage tea revitalising shampoo. Then wrapped my head with towel to soak up excess water for 15mins
(5) Deep conditioned with ORS Replenishing conditioner for 1hr Rinsed it off and wrapped head with towel for 15mins. I then let it airdrying still in 7 braided sections till about 60 percent dry.

How I styled my hair
I stumbled on a lovely pic of a naturalista on Instagram and I fell in love with her curls! Then i thought...the closest thing that would have my hair looking Like that was bantu knots... Smaller bantuknots. So its quite a similar process as the one I did before. What I did was;
(1) applied some 911 emergency leave in conditioner to all my braids at once. I used a little just to add some strength
(2) take down a single braid, seal with olive oil then finger detangler
(3) I split the section into 3 and rolled the knots. I rolled it tightly at the base just so my new growth would be stretched and it actually hurt a little lol. Taking the knots down I found out that I didn't need to knot it tight cos it didn't really make any difference *shrug*

Mini bantu knot out on texlaxed hair

I left it till the next day which is Sunday (today) and took it down with a bit of oil on my fingers to reveal some really nice curls :-) (I made 20 bantu knots)I then used a thin head band as an accessory. I simply pulled my ends at the back together and secured it under the head band. Alternatively you could pull the ends together and secure it under with a Bobby pin.

Used a head band to add colour :-)


To the original curly you think it's a hit or miss?


  1. I say hit! You did a great job, I'm style challenged so even my bantu knots turns out a flop

    1. Yaaay! Thank you dear :-) I think if you keep trying you will gradually get better results every next time.

  2. Your hair looks just beautiful and your makeup is on point. I've also used the Organic cholesterol tea-tree as a Moisturizer before,my hair loves it. Now you make me wanna use it again. Thank you

    1. Thanks boo :-* seriously I think Organics Cholesterol is meant to stay in my regimen... A lil thing that kept me away from it is that I don't find the smell really nice... It's okay but I would have preferred a fruity scent :-). About my make up... *covers face* haha!


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