Saturday, 15 August 2015

The wash day experience, straight hair again!

The Wash Day Experience

Hey dearies! This post is super late. I had my wash day on Monday. I waited till Monday because I wanted to blow dry my hair(which didn't last after all because of constant rain).
 For this wash day I switched my prepoo to a sort of deep conditioning session and didn't make my okra detangler. My hair still felt great afterwards! Here's a recap.

(1)Deep conditioned with a mix of honey, conditioner and olive oil. I applied heat for this deep conditioning with my blow dryer. I just set it to hot and held the blow dryer about 8-10 inches away from my head which I covered with shower cap. I made sure to rotate the blow dryer so the heat can get to most portions of my head and avoid concentrating heat at one spot (if it's concentrated at one spot it may melt the shower cap or expand it). 

(2) I proceeded to detangle my hair with my fingers and followed up with a wide tooth comb. Detangling was quite easy to think that I'm 16weeks post and I didn't use a detangler. The deep conditioning mix made my hair sooo soft! I will intact be doing this more often *big grin*

(3)Shampooed off with my VO5 shampoo and applied VO5 tea thairapy vanilla mint tea clarifying conditioner. wrapped my hair up for about 15 mins.

(4)Because my hair was to be blow dried I applied ORS incredibly rich oil moisturizing lotion and Mega growth hi shine polish serum to protect my hair from heat damage. 

(5)I blow dried my hair using the warm air setting of my blow dryer. I know I said I'll be using the cold setting but It was taking too long and the power supply kept going off and on (those in Naija understands NEPA wahala! smh)

I can say my wash day was OK. I don't think the hair lost was too much. Here's a pic. 

Hair lost after finger detangling and combing

Of course I have some blow dried hair pics to share :-)

It wouldn't be complete without a protective style right? 

Faux Bob (my phone came keeps giving different colours to pics!) 

During the week, I got caught in the rain a few times so I blow dried my hair again at the end of the week. I didn't co-wash or wash my hair. I just wet it, moisturized and added some serum. 
My hair was soo thick and healthy after blow drying. I think it's because I was always using the Mega growth serum in small quantity. While I was trying to apply some of the serum, It fell from my hand and the container broke so I had to pour the serum onto my hands and I got too much for each application. I was heavy handed but it turned out great! Here are some pics to show. You can compare with the first blow dry above. 

I seem to be falling in love with this faux Bob hairstyle!

Still on your relaxer stretch? What is your go to protective style?
Join other ladies in sharing our fun and informative Wash day experience


  1. I love doing faux bobs. Love the thickness of your hair

    1. I love a good faux bob too! It makes me giggle because every time that I wear one, people think that I've really cut my hair!

      Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience!

      KLP @

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Tomes & KLP. I love the short hair look that faux Bob gives :-)


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